One of my favourite quotes is: “You’ve reached middle age when all you exercise is caution”.
I read a report recently about 2 organisations moving off their own servers to Google apps and Gmail, thereby saving huge amounts of money. Quite enticing one would think.
This was confirmed in the July issue of Information Age. In the same article it mentions there is a Gartner report endorsing cloud computing. Then the very next paragraph states that the same organisation published a report warning of the dangers of cloud computing.
I have always been quite cautious (first glimpse of my exercise regime) of external suppliers holding all our data, or intellectual property. Why? It’s unlikely they will mine it, there’s too much of it, not just ours, unless of course they have an employee who makes a business of selling our data to our competitors. Which could be the case with one of our employees anyway, so that’s no different.
No, for me it’s the cloudy-ness of the cloud, the lack of visibility. It affects corporate issues such as compliance. And risk.
There are many questions to be answered about the issues surrounding the “safe” (whatever that may mean) use of the cloud, and I believe some questions are still to be asked.
In the meantime, I’ve hit middle age on this one and I’m exercising caution for all I’m worth!